Hazel’s First Week (or so)

Hazel’s first week encompassed Christmas, which can be quite busy, but for obvious reasons wasn’t so. It actually worked out quite well, as it meant we could give her more consistency which was better with regards to her settling in. And settle in she did. In fact, by day […]

Collection Day or Welcome Hazel

It had arrived, as most days tend to. The updates from Basia (our breeder) in terms of videos and photographs certainly helped build anticipation which is perhaps why we arrived a little early. It was a pretty brief exchange- due to circumstances, although there was time for a quick […]

A Bengal Cat In The Bag

Of course we decided to take Firefly Girl. The decision was pretty easy and made early, but we left it a couple of days just because we’re cautious people. With the deposit paid and the cat in the bag, so to speak, next was preparing for her arrival. We […]

Firefly Girl

I wasn’t particularly keen on the idea of a video call due to the limitations it puts on you. The strikingly obvious one being that you don’t actually meet the kitten you intend to buy. But this was the only option due to Covid-19 restrictions and still, it was […]

Stormborn Bengals

Actually they were born of other Bengals…. So, armed with questions and much anticipation we were off to see our first breeder and her Bengals. We probably didn’t really need the questions. It was obvious very early into our visit that the breeder loved her cats (and other animals, […]

Research; Search

I like to know as much as I can about something before committing to it, which often makes supermarket shopping somewhat time consuming… Looking after an animal will hopefully be a commitment for many years so I/we wanted to make sure we knew what we were getting into for […]

A Bit of Background

Firstly, we have found our cat. We didn’t find her in the sense of “oh look there’s a Bengal cat” behind a tree or moderately sized bush. I meant we bought her with an appropriate currency. She’s only been with us a few days so it’s all very new, […]