
This is a follow up on two fronts. The first- Hazel’s check-up with the vet following her being neutered. The second- on what happened after we put her up for sale. Follow Up: Check Up In the interim period, Hazel acted normally (well, for her at least). This was […]

To Sell or Not to Sell?

That was still very much the question. Naturally I was very annoyed after the laptop incident (see ‘Female Bengal Kitten For Sale‘) and felt Hazel had to go. However, by the next morning, my feelings had changed. This did not mean we would not sell her- indeed we did […]

Having Hazel Neutered

There were a few interested parties not long after the advert for Hazel went live. However, there was still the small matter of having her neutered. We’d decided it was best this was done and she was fully recovered before letting her go, something we communicated to those potential […]

Female Bengal Kitten For Sale

This blog is to serve multiple purposes. It is to act as a diary so that I can/could look back in years to come and recall what it was like having a Hazel as a kitten. But it’s also to provide genuine, first-hand stories about the reality of living […]

The Cat, The Car and The Carrier

Before Hazel’s trip to the vet, we thought it might be a good idea to get her used to the car and carrier again. It had been 4 months since she experienced both so we thought establishing a little familiarity may help with reducing stress levels on the day. […]

13 of the Best Cats for Apartments and Small Homes

This article looks at what could be considered the best cats for apartments or those with smaller abodes. Thoughts of owning a cat drift towards an animal lazing around grooming itself, curled up in a basket or on a human’s lap, fast asleep. All though these may be accurate […]